Monday, April 26, 2010

Letting God hold the Wheel

We all encounter problems. I do not think there is anyone out there who doesn\'t have a problem, or have never had and never will find himself in a situation when the odds are against him or her. Having problems is part of our lives.

Being a Christian we are told that we should put all our worries to the Lord. That\'s what the Bible says and what our pastors teach us. But as the saying goes, it is easier said than done.

With some problems it is simple to let God take care of it for us. When we have a fever, we pray; we ask God to take care of the health problem for us. If people treat us bad when we talk of our faith or preach outside on the streets, we let God handle them.

But when the problems become real hard or real personal that\'s when it becomes difficult to put our problems in God\'s hands. When people talk about us behind our backs; when our friends suddenly become our bitter enemies; when our unbelieving loved ones prevent us from going to church...these are the times when we want to do something about it.

I don\'t know if doing something about it is wrong or right. And I don\'t want to decide either. I don\'t want to be a judge.

What I do know is that it is a normal human reaction. If you touch something hot, you snatch your hand away. If you are hit, you either hit back or just cry. It is a human trait to fix (or fight) a problem that is wrecking havoc on your life.

A Christian trait, on the other hand, is letting God hold the wheel and fix the problem for us. Be still, He tells us, and know that He is God.

I keep these words in my mind and try to be as still as I can. It isn\'t easy. Everyone has a limit to the physical, emotional and mental pain that one can endure. What God asks of us, is to go to the very limits and step over our boundaries. And that is harder.

But I think that\'s where faith is. When we can\'t see the edge anymore, when we are being led to the uncharted territories of our personal experiences that\'s the time when we fully trust in God. When we don\'t know what\'s going to happen yet we still say to God, You are in command, Father. I will be fine. I\'ll stay put. I\'ll believe,that\'s faith.

Having faith doesn\'t mean, we are just going to sit down and do nothing; but having faith doesn\'t also mean we should be like John Rambo in our approach “diving headlong into a problem with guns blazing. Having faith means we should wait for God to show us what to do, and when we learn what that us, then we have to do it. But before the answers come, before the storm ends, we must be still, because God is able.

Resource Reading:

Psalms 46:1-1

Article from

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